Anyone can now easily turn their EOS proxy into a reward proxy with Genpool handles all the rewards and now even can auto vote for BPs that supply your proxy with rewards making managing your own EOS reward proxy hands off. To setup your own reward proxy on Genpool visit
Tag: EOS Proxy
Tutorials, how to’s, and walk thru’s on EOS Proxies
EOS Nation Reward Proxy Signup
In this video we cover how to signup for the EOS Nation reward proxy. This EOS reward proxy pays multiple rewards daily (default rewards are now in EOS and EOSDT). Signup for EOS Nation Reward Proxy: Proxy accounts still need to refresh their proxy vote to maintain 100% vote weight and 100% rewards...
EOS Value Proxy Vote Stake Rewards
EOS Rewards Proxy: voteforvalue Proxy your Account (tutorial in video above): EOS Rewards have started! All you have to do is vote for the proxy and you will receive a daily transfer of EOS (staked to CPU) around 01:00 UTC. We also send out additional weekly and monthly loyalty rewards if you don’t...