How to move your (Telos, EOS) REX to savings. REX savings brings an extra level of security to EOS/Telos REX loans because the maturing period does not start until REX are moved from savings. No extra rewards are obtained from using REX savings. Video by Hodl EOS...
Claim EOS REX Rewards With Scatter
How to claim EOS REX rewards using Scatter and the EOS Authority REX Dashboard. This video shows how to move your EOS from REX back into liquid EOS in your wallet. EOS Authority REX Dashboard: Video by Hodl EOS...
REX EOS on a Ledger Wallet Tutorial
REX EOS on Ledger Wallet How to REX EOS That Are on a Ledger Wallet In this video we walk thru how to lend EOS that are on a Ledger hardware wallet to REX to earn more EOS. The REX dashboard used in the tutorial video can be found at This video is...
REX EOS Using Scatter and EOS Authority Dashboard
EOS REX Using Scatter How To REX Your EOS Using Scatter In this video tutorial we walk thru how to lend your EOS to REX using Scatter and the EOS Authority dashboard to earn more EOS. Check out our other EOS tutorial videos...
How To REX Your EOS Using Greymass Wallet Tutorial
Greymass Wallet EOS REX Walk Through REX EOS Using Greymass Wallet In this video we walk thru how to lend EOS to REX using Greymass Wallet to earn more EOS. More EOS How To’s...