How to move your (Telos, EOS) REX to savings. REX savings brings an extra level of security to EOS/Telos REX loans because the maturing period does not start until REX are moved from savings. No extra rewards are obtained from using REX savings. Video by Hodl EOS...
Tag: Telos REX
Tutorials, how to’s, and walk thru’s on Telos REX
Telos (TLOS) REX Using Scatter
In this video we show how to REX your Telos (TLOS) using the Scatter wallet. When you lend (stake) your TLOS to REX you get rewards from the TEDP, and from the normal REX profit channels. Do not have a Telos account? Get your free Telos account. Telos Proxy: hodltelospro Video by Hodl EOS...
Telos (TLOS) REX Using SQRL Wallet
In this video we show how to REX your Telos (TLOS) using the SQRL wallet. When you lend (stake) your TLOS to REX you get rewards from the TEDP, and from the normal REX profit channels. *Make sure your account has some RAM available so you do not get an error when you REX...