In the video tutorial above, we go step by step through the process of creating a custom name WAX account (for use in the WAX Anchor Wallet) using a WAX Cloud Wallet (WCW) account. How To Create WAX Account WAX Proxy Voting: Claim WAX Rewards:
Tag: WAX
Tutorials, how to’s, and walk thru’s on the WAX blockchain
WAX Cloud Wallet Resource Management (CPU, NET, RAM)
The basics of WAX Cloud Wallet resource management of CPU, NET, and RAM. WAX tokens are staked to CPU and NET to get free daily transactions on the WAX blockchain. If you are receiving an error about “not enough CPU/NET time” when sending a transaction you can stake more WAX or wait 24hrs for...
Transfer NFT Using WAX Cloud Wallet
In this video Anders walks thru how to transfer an NFT on the WAX blockchain using the WAX cloud wallet. Video by Anders ‘coachbjork’ Björk...
Setup WAX Blockchain Cloud Wallet (WCW)
In this video Anders walks thru how to setup a WAX blockchain cloud wallet (WCW). The WAX cloud wallet is one of the easiest ways to setup a wallet on the WAX blockchain to start interacting with the Dapps on the chain. You can login to the wallet with your email or other social...
EarnBet WAX Migration Account Setup
In this tutorial we walk thru how to get your free WAX blockchain account from EarnBet using Scatter wallet. All EOS account holders of BET token (and our BTC, LTC, ETH, and BCH 1:1 pegged betting tokens) now have a free WAX account with their EarnBet tokens in it. Steps to Get Your Earnbet...
Auto Claim WAX Rewards in SQRL Wallet
SQRL wallet now has the feature to auto claim WAX rewards. The video above walks thru how to auto claim WAX rewards in SQRL. Video by Qubicles...
WAX Voting: Auto Refresh Votes Using SQRL Wallet
How to auto refresh your WAX blockchain votes using SQRL wallet. Updating your WAX guild votes at least every 7 days is needed to maintain maximum WAX rewards. WAX accounts can also auto claim WAX rewards. See the tutorial at Video by Quibicles...
How To WAX Proxy Voting
In this video we walk thru how to proxy vote on the WAX blockchain using Scatter, SQRL, and other supported wallets. Hodl EOS’ WAX voting proxy: hodlwaxiopro Video by Hodl EOS...
Claiming Daily WAX Rewards
In this video we walk thru the different types of daily WAX rewards and how to claim WAX rewards. WAX Proxy Voting Tutorial: WAX token swap tutorial Video from Hodl EOS channel...
WAX Token Swap Tutorial
The WAX token swap is now live until August 30, 2019. In this video we walk thru how to move your WAX tokens from Ethereum to the WAX blockchain. Video By Hodl EOS...