Telos Blockchain (TLOS)

Telos is a code fork of the EOS blockchain using an improved and modified version of the EOSio software making the Telos Blockchain one of the most advanced governed blockchains. Telos brings 3rd generation governance to blockchain by extending governance features to DAPPs and DAOs.

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Telos Resource Exchange (TREX)

Telos REX enables TLOS holders to lend their tokens for a return.  With the launch of the TEDP (learn about the TEDP in the section below) the returns are quite large.

How to REX (lend) Telos using SQRL wallet

How to REX (lend) Telos using Scatter

The Telos Economic Development Plan (TEDP) is a proposal currently open for voting by TLOS holders that will use unclaimed exchange reserve tokens to provide sizable REX returns and zero inflation to Telos as well as:

  • Better funding for the Telos Foundation’s mission of promoting the network
  • More funding for worker proposals
  • Consistent block producer pay to ensure network stability

To offset any increase in sell-pressure and support the token price, funds would be used for:

  • Advertising, marketing, promotion
  • Additional exchange listings
  • Professional market-making services to add liquidity and price support
  • Funding REX to provide a generous ROI to Telos REX stakers
  • 0% annual inflation on Telos for as long as these funds last

Some changes were made to the proposal (pictured above) before being opened for a vote. These changes can be found at

How To Cast Your Vote

Telos is a governed blockchain based on the EOSIO software. Like all DPOS (delegated proof of stake) chains, Telos has default governance built in. After observing other DPOS networks, the Telos blockchain founders decided to implement some safeguards to help protect the chain against collusion, hoarding, and ineffective BPs. Governance changes to Telos blockchain can only be implemented by Telos token holders the referendum process.

The Telos Blockchain is a decentralized, trustless system, where token holders have the power to come together and change the direction of the chain and the way it operates. Some often refer to DPOS chains as an online democracy, although in practice it is more akin to shareholders of a public company.

Third-gen Governance on Telos

Telos incorporates a number of advanced governance features including the election of validating nodes, allocation of work proposal system funds via Telos Works, dispute resolution with elected arbitrators via Telos Resolve, and the update of the Telos protocol, itself, based on user votes and controlled entirely by on-chain smart contracts via Telos Amend.

An update to the underlying Telos governance functions has now extended all of these features to dapps and DAOs on Telos via a suite of governance tools called Telos Decide, which are maintained by Telos core developers at the protocol level.

Telos Decide offers dapp developers a number of types of voting for ballot initiatives and elections, and committee building and management functions. All functions are highly configurable for things such as voting quorums and passage thresholds, terms of office for elected positions, and voting powers and requirements for committees. The tokens used to empower these governance features are also highly configurable, allowing divisible, transferrable tokens that serve both governance and economic functions, to limited-use tokens solely for governance that cannot be transferred or divided — and many possibilities between. For DAOs, Telos Decide will also soon offer modular tools for proposing and voting initiatives that have specific smart contract transactions triggered by their outcomes.

Telos Onchain Governance Docs

Worker proposals are the way that Telos users can guide and pay for the development, promotion and growth of the Telos network. Telos is the first EOS.IO blockchain with a functional worker proposal system (WPS) and one of the only projects in the blockchain world where all users can vote to determine how network funds are used. This voting means that the Telos users direct how the chain will grow by what proposals it chooses to fund. (Telos users also guide the growth of the network through Ratify/Amend proposals that modify the text of governance documents.)

The Telos Foundation (TF) is an apolitical organization with a mission to aid in the promotion and improvement of the Telos Network. The TF seeks to do this in three distinct ways:

  • Promoting the network through grants and administration to advertise, market, engage in social media, live events, and teaching opportunities that raise the profile and inform and expand the user-base.
  • Underwriting expenses that increase the functionality of the Telos Network outside the Worker Proposal System.
  • Maintaining a published guidance price for Telos Network RAM and both trading based on this price and offering sales at this price to qualified developers. when the market price for RAM is more than 10% above the published guidance price. Advise BPs of adhoc and/or gradual RAM increases.

The Telos Blockchain has a dedicated team of over 20 developers who are advancing the Telos blockchain.

Learn more about what the core development team is doing at

The Telos blockchain has a form of EOS.IO smart contract-controlled IPFS (Interplanetary File System) for Telos that is call Telos IPFS or TIPFS.  This allows Telos governance documents, worker proposals, and arbitration submissions to be stored on decentralized servers.  This is a core feature that makes Telos stand out verse other EOSio chains.

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This page is supported by the Telos community via the worker proposal system